
Regenerative Beauty
Hemptress® excludes synthetic chemicals, petrochemicals, parabens, microplastics, toxins, artificial preservatives, fragrances, essential oils, and dyes. We cultivate beauty from the outside in + the inside out. Hemptress® innovates multi-generational, regenerative beauty products to nourish a long health span. We integrate...
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Winter is Coming...
As the seasons change and your skin adapts to a dryer, harsher environment, you may need to add hydration support if you have mature or dry skin AND/OR If you live in a climate where winter is coming... Hydration vs....
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The Mysteries of the Divine Feminine...
Cannabis, often regarded as the 'mother of all plant medicine,' is rooted in an illustrious history that traces back to antiquity, woven into the fabric of countless cultures, tribes, and medicinal practices throughout the ages. This remarkable plant has transcended time...
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DNA repair? Say more...
We want to give you the skinny on our star ingredient. Hemptress is the first brand to launch Peregrina Extract in the American Market (from a secret supplier to be revealed in the future). This groundbreaking (not overdramatic, promise) ingredient is scientifically proven to...
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